Robert William Vonnoh

Robert William Vonnoh canvas prints & artprints

Robert William Vonnoh : biography

Robert William Vonnoh, known as well with the following name R. W. Vonnoh, is a american painter born in 1858 in Hartford, United States and who died in 1933 in Nice, France. Robert William Vonnoh belonged to the impressionism art style. He mainly worked during the modern period in the 20 century.

Robert William Vonnoh : his main artworks

Robert William Vonnoh is famous for the following art works : the baby's bottle, gathering geese... which are numerous illustrations of his favorite subject of work : portrait, animals... Muzéo offers high quality canvas prints & artprints of the main artworks made by Robert William Vonnoh to embellish your home or your office.

Robert William Vonnoh : his life as an artist

Robert William Vonnoh began his artist training in Académie Julian, Paris, France. Then Robert William Vonnoh continue his training and study with Jules Joseph Lefebvre, Gustave Boulanger. Among his students and apprentices, we noted that he taught Robert Cozad Henri.

Learn more about the life and the works of Robert William Vonnoh here.