Jacques-Emile Blanche

Jacques-Emile Blanche canvas prints & artprints

Jacques-Emile Blanche : biography

Jacques-Emile Blanche, known as well with the following name Jacques Émile Blanche, is a french painter born in 1861 in 16th arrondissement of Paris, France and who died in 1942 in Offranville, France. Jacques-Emile Blanche belonged to the post-impressionism art style. He mainly worked during the modern period in the 20 century.

Jacques-Emile Blanche : his main artworks

Jacques-Emile Blanche is famous for the following art works : portrait du dandy paul ernest boniface comte de castellane, andre gide, portrait of j. raulet ... which are numerous illustrations of his favorite subject of work : portrait, literature... In order to stare at his work in a museum or gallery, you need to go to private collection, . The art work of Jacques-Emile Blanche are, indeed, mainly kept in private collection, . Muzéo offers high quality canvas prints & artprints of the main artworks made by Jacques-Emile Blanche to embellish your home or your office.

Jacques-Emile Blanche : his life as an artist

Jacques-Emile Blanche began his artist training in Académie de La Palette, Paris, France. Then Jacques-Emile Blanche continue his training and study with Henri Gervex. Jacques-Emile Blanche and Jacques-Emile Blanche are related and belong to the same family of artists.

Learn more about the life and the works of Jacques-Emile Blanche here.
41.9 €
34.91 €
30.22 €
25.18 €
35.94 €
29.95 €
38.92 €
32.43 €
50.83 €
42.35 €
36.86 €
30.72 €
42.58 €
35.49 €

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